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Task Force Tips saves lives and protects property by designing and manufacturing innovative tools which exceed the expectations of those that risk their lives to save others. Check out some of their latest efforts in air filtration, for both the fire apparatus and station, as well as an innovative way to determine flow rates in real-time! For more information, visit

CrewProtect reduces the airborne COVID and cancer-causing threats in your fire apparatus cab.
CrewProtect attacks all three significant problems for firefighters including Particulates, VOCs, and Aerosols carrying bacteria and viruses (including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19)
StationProtect cleans the air in gear rooms, sleeping quarters, and living space.
It protects crews from cancer causing soot, VOCs and also improves air quality by removing aerosols carrying viruses, bacteria and mold.
TFT’s enhanced dual featured SHO-FLOW® app works either independently with established fire flow formulas, or in conjunction with TFT’s SHO-FLOW Bluetooth® Flow meter, determining actual flow rates for fire hose lines and nozzles, in addition to calculating true Pump Discharge Pressures (PDP), Nozzle Reaction, Hose Friction, and allowing for real time NFPA 1962 flow testing.